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17 Marketing Strategies for Accountants

Struggling to find new clients and keep them coming back? This article describes 17 marketing strategies specifically designed for accountants. Learn how to showcase your expertise, build trust, and attract a steady stream of happy clients.

Agnieszka Włodarczyk


Are you finding it tough to get noticed in the crowded market of accounting firms? You're not alone.

Many accounting firms realize that old-school marketing for accountants doesn't cut it anymore. Marketing has risen to level 5.0; now, it's all about technology for humanity and personalized connections with potential clients online. Where a single click might mean a new partnership. But how do you turn those clicks into meaningful connections?

You've poured resources into your website and social media, but the phone remains silent. The problem? Your message isn't hitting home.

The good news is, there's a way forward. In this guide, we're diving into tailored marketing strategies that speak directly to your client's needs, helping your firm stand out, add value, and, most importantly, build those important relationships for long-term success.

Most accounting firms need to adopt a proactive marketing approach to navigate through the complexities of the industry.

#1 Optimizing Your Website for Client Conversion

Your website is basically the front door to your accounting firm. It's often the first impression potential clients have of your services. A well-structured, SEO-friendly website that speaks directly to the accounting industry's clientele is key when you want to attract clients.

For instance, Deloitte, which is a leader in the accounting field, has a website that's not only easy to move through but also rich in valuable and relevant content. This is how they attract clients and keep them. Their approach to web design and user experience prioritizes website visitors. It transforms casual website visitors into engaged clients, increasing the website's conversion rate.

A CPA firm should always optimize its website to convert visits into engagements, making it a cornerstone of successful accounting marketing.

#2 Search Engine Optimization to Attract Quality Leads

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is your ticket to visibility in the online world. What does that mean? Well, for accounting firms, focusing on local SEO and industry-specific keywords can dramatically increase your firm's online presence.

When small business owners or individuals require accounting services (and search for them on Google, for example), your firm should ideally appear prominently in the search engine. This will make the prospective clients click on the search results and be redirected to the site, increasing your website traffic.

A real-life example of this strategy is using Google Business Profile by smaller accounting firms like Smith & Associates, which effectively captures local marketing opportunities by appearing in local search results.

This means their company will pop up as a business if you search for them (on the right side of the Google search result page). It gives credibility and makes the business easier to find — online and regarding their physical location or phone number.

For a CPA firm, mastering local SEO is crucial to enhancing visibility and attracting targeted clients, making it a key strategy in marketing for accounting firms.

READ ALSO: Digital Marketing Ideas for Small and Local Businesses

#3 Building Authority with Content Marketing Efforts

Creating valuable and relevant content is a way to establish your firm as a thought leader in the accounting industry.

Blogs, guides, and whitepapers allow you to share insights on complex topics like tax law or cloud accounting, demonstrating your expertise.

Sharing useful content, like ebooks, can help turn interested people into leads. Also, adding videos to your pages can make them 86% more likely (source: Wishpond) to convert visitors into clients.

Marketing for accounting firms often involves creating a robust content marketing strategy to establish authority and attract the right clientele.

#4 Engaging Your Audience on Social Media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn are goldmines for accounting firms who want to connect with business owners and potential clients.

By sharing insightful content and industry updates, and engaging directly with comments, firms and their marketing team can build a strong social media presence.

For example, KPMG, one of the largest accounting firms, excels at engaging with its audience on its LinkedIn profile by posting regular updates, insightful articles, and industry news. This is a very smart move as the company can establish itself as a thought leader and go-to resource for accounting insights this way.

linkedin post

In the realm of successful accounting marketing, having an active and engaging social media strategy is indispensable for a CPA firm looking to enhance its market presence.

#5 Personalizing Email Campaigns for Higher Engagement

Email marketing remains an effective tool, especially when messages are personalized.

But how can you give your email marketing tactic an even greater boost without going overboard on your marketing budget? You can segment!

Segmenting your email list allows you to tailor your messages to meet the specific needs of different target audience segments — from small business owners to CFOs of larger corporations.

READ ALSO: Cold Email Sequence Examples — Make Your Outbound Sales Emails Count!

#6 Utilizing Client Testimonials and Case Studies

There's a reason why client testimonials and case studies are gold in marketing: they tell the story of your firm's success from the perspective of clients (those who have directly benefited.)

This type of social proof is incredibly powerful in building trust and credibility with prospective clients.

Think of it as your clients marketing for you by sharing their positive experiences.

When potential customers see real-world examples of your firm solving complex issues or delivering outstanding accounting services, it not only showcases your expertise but also decides to choose your firm much easier.

Including testimonials and case studies on your website and social media platforms can turn satisfied clients into your most persuasive advocates.

#7 Implementing a Referral Program

Referral programs incentivize satisfied clients to spread the word about your services. You get to capitalize on word-of-mouth marketing, which saves you expensive paid advertising.

People from referrals are almost as likely to become clients as those from ads. This means referral programs are a great addition to your accounting marketing plan. You can build more client relationships and inform people about your CPA firm's services.

A great example of an effective referral program in the accounting industry is Gusto’s referral system, which rewards both the referrer (with $300) and the new client (with $100). This encourages client referrals and expands their customer base through trusted recommendations.

READ ALSO: Referral vs Affiliate Marketing — What Is the Difference?

#8 Enhancing Client Experience with Technology for Accounting Firms

Incorporating the right software and technology can revolutionize how your accounting firm interacts with potential clients and delivers services.

Today's clients expect more than traditional accounting services; they value convenience, transparency, and personalized interaction, which can be significantly enhanced through technology.

Useful technology for accounting firms:

#9 Networking and Partnership Development

In accounting, who you know can be as important as what you know. Developing strategic partnerships and engaging in consistent networking events can significantly widen your circle of influence and attract clients.

These relationships can lead to client referrals, creating a virtuous cycle of new business opportunities. For example, partnering with local business development organizations or participating in local marketing initiatives can position your firm as a trusted community member.

Attending industry conferences can not only keep your team updated on tax law changes and digital marketing trends but also put you in the same room with potential business targets.

Strategic networking turns your firm's presence into a magnet for new business. You get to leverage every handshake and conversation into potential growth opportunities.

#10 Hosting Informative Webinars and Workshops

How can webinars and workshops help your accounting firm out?

Webinars and workshops offer a platform for accounting firms to demonstrate their expertise and provide valuable content to their target market. Basically, you get to show your skills and expertise to possible new and existing clients. They will be impressed and trust you more.

EY, for example, frequently hosts educational events. These cover various topics, from tax law to digital transformation. EY is an authority in the accounting industry that engages both existing and prospective clients.

website with list of webcasts

#11 Developing a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

Shooting in the dark with your marketing efforts is a recipe for mediocrity. A well-thought-out, strategic, and data-driven marketing plan is not just beneficial — it's essential.

This plan should outline your firm's marketing goals, the tactics to achieve them, and how to measure success. This is about understanding your target market deeply and coming up with a plan that not only reaches them but speaks to them.

  • Step 1: Define Your Goals. What do you want to achieve with your marketing? Is it brand awareness, attracting new clients in a specific industry, or increasing engagement with existing clients?
  • Step 2: Know Your Ideal Client. Who are you trying to reach? Understanding their financial needs, challenges, and preferred communication channels is crucial.
  • Step 3: Develop Targeted Content. Craft content that educates potential clients on tax law changes, industry-specific accounting practices, or recent financial regulations. Showcase your expertise and establish your firm as a thought leader.
  • Step 4: Choose the Right Channels. Utilize a mix of marketing channels like a user-friendly website, social media platforms like LinkedIn, and content marketing through blog posts or webinars.
  • Step 5: Integrate Social Proof. Include client testimonials, case studies, and awards on your website and marketing materials to build trust and credibility.
  • Step 6: Track & Analyze. Monitor key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and social media engagement to measure success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Step 7: Adapt & Refine. The marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Regularly review your plan, analyze data, and be ready to adapt your strategies for optimal performance.

By following these steps, your accounting firm's marketing plan will be well on its way to attracting new clients and establishing your expertise.

#12 Conducting Competitive Analysis

Understanding what other accounting firms are doing can provide valuable insights to improve your marketing strategy.

Here are some tips for conducting a competitive analysis for your accounting firm:

  • Identify Your Key Competitors: Start by listing 5-10 accounting firms in your geographical area or niche that target a similar clientele. Look for firms with a strong online presence or those you encounter frequently when competing for clients.
  • Gather Information: Explore their websites, social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.), and online directories. Look for details on their services offered, pricing models, target audience messaging, content strategy (blog posts, webinars), and client testimonials.
  • Analyze Their Marketing Channels: Pay close attention to the marketing channels they leverage (website, social media, content marketing, paid advertising). See how they position themselves and what content resonates with their audience.
  • Identify Strengths & Weaknesses: Analyze what your competitors are doing well and areas where they might be lacking. Are they active on social media but neglecting content marketing? Do they offer a specific service you don't?
  • Use the Insights: Leverage the intel you gather to refine your marketing strategy. Can you offer a more targeted service or create content that addresses a gap in their strategy?

By analyzing your competitors' online marketing activities — from social media marketing to search engine optimization — you can identify what works well and where there may be gaps in your strategy.

#13 Focusing on Niche Markets

Why blend in when you can stand out? For many accounting firms, the temptation is to be everything to everyone. However, the real magic happens when you hone in on niche markets.

This specialization not only elevates your firm as an expert in specific areas (such as tax preparation services for the tech industry or financial consulting for startups), but it also makes your marketing efforts more targeted and effective.

Tailoring your content marketing strategy to address the unique challenges and opportunities within these niches transforms your firm from a generalist to a sought-after specialist.

All you have to do is decide what your accounting firm is really good at and then go from there.

#14 Mobile Optimization for Your Digital Assets

The first interaction with your firm will likely be on a smartphone screen, so mobile optimization is no longer optional.

A website that frustrates mobile users is a fast track to losing potential customers. Ensuring your site is responsive, and content is easily digestible on all devices can significantly boost your firm's accessibility and client satisfaction.

Think of it this way: when prospective clients find your social media posts and blog posts easy to navigate on their phones, you're not just winning their business — you're also earning their trust and possibly their referrals.

#15 Managing Online Reputation and Reviews

Your online reputation is more important now than ever. Nowadays, a single review can influence business targets, so actively managing your online presence is key.

This means not only celebrating positive feedback but also addressing concerns with professionalism and transparency.

A firm that engages with reviews shows that it values client feedback and is committed to excellence.

This open line of communication can significantly enhance your firm's reputation and attract new clients who appreciate responsiveness and accountability.

#16 Participating in Trade Shows and Industry Events

Visibility and networking are the foundation of business development for accounting firms. Trade shows and industry events offer unmatched opportunities to show off your expertise, connect with prospective clients, and absorb the latest industry trends and innovations.

These events can open doors to new clients and partnerships. Plus, they're an effective platform to demonstrate your firm's commitment to staying up-to-date in the accounting industry and its trends.

#17 Maximizing the Use of Accounting Software for Marketing

The right accounting software does more than just crunch numbers — it can be a helpful marketing tool.

Today's platforms offer features that simplify client communication, automate marketing efforts, and provide insights into client behaviors and preferences.

By using these features, your firm can deliver personalized experiences that resonate with clients — this enhances satisfaction and loyalty.

Imagine predicting your client's needs before they even have to ask. That's the kind of service that not only retains current clients but also turns them into vocal advocates for your firm.

Forward-Thinking Marketing for Your Accounting Firm

In 2024, marketing for accountants is more competitive and dynamic than ever. Accounting firms have to use a blend of traditional and innovative marketing tactics. From optimizing your website for better client conversion to using the power of social media and digital marketing strategies — each tactic plays a vital role in staying ahead.

These bogs can provide valuable insights and actionable steps to take your firm's marketing for accountants to the next level.

Using these strategies and tools positions your firm not just to compete but to lead in the accounting marketing space. As the industry evolves, staying informed and adaptable is key to unlocking growth.

Even if you can't include every single one of these accounting marketing strategies in your own accounting firm's strategy, just making use of a few of them can help secure the future success of your firm.

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