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10 Customer Acquisition Strategies

In this guide, you'll learn 10 customer acquisition strategies to fuel sustainable business growth. We cover content marketing, social media, email, paid advertising, referrals, SEO, market research, lead nurturing, customer retention, and more. You'll also learn how CallPage can instantly elevate your website's customer acquisition capabilities.

Agnieszka Włodarczyk


When it comes to acquiring new customers, what would you say is your biggest challenge? 

Is it standing out in an oversaturated market flooded with competitors? Cutting through the incessant noise and clutter to reach your ideal prospects? Crafting marketing messages that truly resonate? Or perhaps converting window shoppers into paying customers?

If you found yourself nodding along to any of those pain points, you’re definitely not alone. You and your competitors are both trying to figure out the best ways to get noticed and capture traction with potential leads. And the stakes are high - customer acquisition is the lifeblood of any thriving company. Fail to consistently drive in new business, and your revenue stream will slowly grind to a halt.

Yet, for most, the biggest hurdle starts before you even contact a customer. It’s knowing which customer acquisition strategies actually work for the modern consumer.

There’s an overwhelming number of tactics, customer acquisition channels, and tools to choose from. How do you cut through the fluff and identify what really moves the needle? Where is the best use of your limited marketing time and budget?

To help you find the right mix of tactics for you, we’ve pulled together a list of the top 10 customer acquisition strategies that can help you attract, engage, and convert ideal prospects into loyal brand advocates. These customer acquisition efforts - when combined with a deep understanding of your target audience and compelling messaging - can help you drive consistent revenue growth through high customer lifetime value.

But before we dive in, let’s go back to basics and look at what goes into a customer acquisition strategy in general.

What is Customer Acquisition?

Customer acquisition refers to the process of attracting new customers or clients to your business through strategic marketing efforts. It encompasses all the tactics, customer acquisition methods, and channels you leverage to reach potential customers, nurture them through the customer acquisition funnel, and ultimately convert leads into paying customers.

The customer acquisition process typically involves:

  • Generating leads and building audience awareness about your brand/offerings
  • Nurturing those leads with educational content and relationship-building
  • Convincing the prospects to make a purchase

An effective customer acquisition strategy lays out the specific channels, campaigns, and initiatives you’ll pursue to acquire new business cost-effectively. This could include a mix of content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, email marketing, paid advertising, referral programs, and more.

Why Should You Focus On Customer Acquisition Efforts?

While customer acquisition requires an upfront investment, it’s utterly crucial for driving business growth and long-term profitability. New customer acquisition feeds your sales pipeline and revenue stream. Neglecting acquisition efforts means your customer base will gradually erode as existing customers churn.

Beyond just revenue, continuously acquiring new customers helps you:

  • Increase brand awareness and visibility in the market
  • Build a loyal audience to market new products/services to
  • Stay ahead of the competition (especially in crowded product or service spaces)
  • Collect data to improve targeting and messaging
  • Boost customer lifetime value through greater repeat purchases

A significant part of this process involves demand generation, which focuses on creating awareness and interest in your products or services to attract new prospects.

The healthiest businesses maintain a strategic mix of marketing to prospects (acquisition) and marketing to existing customers (retention/loyalty). However, mastering a successful customer acquisition strategy should be priority #1 to fuel sustainable growth.

It's All About Customer Acquisition Cost

While employing various customer acquisition strategies is vital for driving business growth, it's critical to do so in a cost-effective manner. After all, your long-term profitability hinges on keeping your customer acquisition costs (CAC) lower than the lifetime value of your customers.

Customer acquisition cost is one of the most important metrics to measure and optimize in your marketing efforts. It represents the total sales and marketing cost involved in persuading a prospect to become a customer. This includes expenses like advertising spend, salaries for your marketing team, promotions and discounts, and any tools/technologies utilized.

To calculate customer acquisition cost, take your total sales and marketing costs for a period and divide that by the number of new customers acquired in that time frame. For example, if you spent $50,000 on marketing last quarter and acquired 200 new customers, your CAC is $250.

Customer acquisition cost = total sales and marketing costs / number of new customers acquired

The lower you can keep your CAC, the easier it is to turn a profit and see a return on your customer acquisition investments. Ideally, your customer's lifetime value should be 3x or more above your CAC to sustain a solid profit margin.

Optimizing acquisition strategies for a lower CAC requires continuously testing, measuring, and refining your marketing tactics. It's about doubling down on the highest-performing acquisition channels, optimizing your messaging and sales funnel for conversion, and trimming waste from underperforming campaigns.

By laser-focusing on cost-effective customer acquisition, you can maximize marketing ROI, boost profitability, and fuel further reinvestment into growth initiatives. CAC optimization enables you to acquire more customers without bleeding cash.

The Top 10 Customer Acquisition Strategies

#1 Content Marketing

In today's digital age, one of the most powerful customer acquisition strategies is content marketing. By consistently creating and distributing valuable, relevant content, you can attract and engage your target prospects while positioning your brand as a trustworthy authority.

Content marketing allows you to meet prospective customers at various stages of the buyer's journey and nurture them towards eventual purchase. It helps:

  • Build brand awareness and visibility in organic search
  • Establish credibility and expertise in your industry
  • Educate and provide value to prospects upfront
  • Stay top-of-mind as prospects weigh their options
  • Lower customer acquisition costs compared to paid advertising

The key is creating high-quality, audience-centric content that provides utility and resonates emotionally. This could include blog posts, videos, podcasts, reports, webinars, infographics, and more.

How to Implement an Effective Content Strategy

To leverage content marketing for successful customer acquisition, follow these best practices:

  • Audience Research - Understand your buyer personas, their pain points, interests, and the types of content they're seeking.
  • Keyword Research - Identify high-value keywords your audience searches for and map content topics accordingly.
  • Content Planning - Develop a consistent cadence and strategic plan for content creation and distribution across formats.
  • Content Creation - Focus on delivering substantive, original content that provides immense value to your readers.
  • Content Optimization - Optimize content for search engines through on-page SEO and proper content formatting.
  • Content Promotion - Amplify your content's reach through social media, email marketing, online communities, and influencer outreach.
  • Analysis & Iteration - Continually measure content performance and optimize for increased visibility, engagement, and conversions.

When done right, content marketing attracts prospects to your brand, nurtures them through the marketing funnel, and positions you for more cost-effective customer acquisition long-term. It's a must-have in any modern marketing strategy.

#2 Social Media Marketing

With billions of active users across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, social media presents an immense opportunity for reaching and acquiring new customers. With nearly 91% of B2B marketers use social media to distribute content marketing - this strategy flows directly from the content marketing strategy above.

Social media is an incredibly powerful customer acquisition channel because it allows you to:

  • Increase brand visibility and build awareness
  • Share valuable content and engage with your audience
  • Drive traffic and leads back to your website/offers
  • Leverage paid advertising to reach specific Demographics
  • Provide exceptional customer service and support
  • Gain valuable customer insights through interactions

The key is to identify which social platforms your particular customer personas are most active on, and then optimize your approach for each unique channel.

Effective Social Media Tactics

To drive successful customer acquisition through social media:

  • Create a consistent brand voice and visual identity
  • Share a mix of educational, entertaining, promotional content
  • Leverage formats like videos, stories, live streaming, etc.
  • Interact with your audience through comments, messages, etc.
  • Run targeted advertising campaigns to get in front of hot prospects
  • Share user-generated content and influence marketing
  • Consistently analyze metrics to optimize your strategy

When leveraged correctly, social media marketing allows you to connect with prospective customers, build brand equity, provide value, and ultimately convert digital interactions into real customers.

#3 Email Marketing

Despite the rise of new marketing channels, email remains one of the most effective customer acquisition strategies out there. With a global user base of over 4 billion, email provides an incredibly effective way to nurture prospects and drive conversions.

The Power of Email Marketing Email marketing allows you to get your messaging directly into the inboxes of potential customers in a highly personalized, targeted manner. Its key benefits include:

  • High conversion rates compared to other acquisition channels
  • Precise audience segmentation through list building
  • Automated, behavior-triggered campaigns for optimal nurturing
  • Measureable results through metrics like open/click rates
  • Low cost of distribution compared to traditional marketing

The key to successful email marketing is focusing relentlessly on providing value to your subscribers - not just sending promotional blasts.

Best Practices for Email Marketing Efforts

To leverage email as an effective customer acquisition channel:

  • Build Your List - Collect opt-in email subscribers through sign-up forms, content offerings, events, and incentives.
  • Segment Your Lists - Group subscribers based on interests, buying stage, demographics, and more for personalized campaigns.
  • Create Compelling Content - Craft emails with strong subject lines, valuable messaging, and clear calls-to-action.
  • Automate Campaigns - Set up automated sequences that trigger based on user actions and behaviors.
  • Optimize Deliverability - Maintain stellar sender reputation and follow best practices to avoid spam folders.
  • Test & Measure - Continually split-test and refine your emails based on open rates, clicks, unsubscribes, etc.

When executed strategically, email allows you to nurture high-quality leads through the marketing funnel in a cost-effective, scalable manner - making it a customer acquisition powerhouse.

#4 Paid Advertising

While organic acquisition strategies like content marketing and SEO are crucial, sometimes you need an extra push to get in front of your target audience quickly. This is where paid advertising comes in as an effective customer acquisition channel.

Paid advertising encompasses any marketing campaigns where you pay to have your ads displayed on platforms like:

  • Search engines (e.g. Google Ads)
  • Social media networks (Facebook/Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.)
  • Websites and apps (display ad networks)
  • Video streaming services (YouTube Ads, OTT/CTV ads)
  • The key advantages of paid advertising include:
  • Ability to get in front of customers with laser-focused targeting
  • Instant traffic and lead generation when campaigns are live
  • Advanced tracking and measurement of ad performance
  • Multiple pricing models based on impressions, clicks, conversions
  • Control over ad spend allocation and scaling

However, paid customer acquisition can get expensive if not properly optimized.

Maximizing ROI with Paid Advertising

To get the most out of your paid ad spend:

  • Target the Right Audience - Leverage demographic, interest, and behavioral data for precise targeting.
  • Create Compelling Ad Creative - Invest in attention-grabbing visuals and copy tailored to each channel.
  • Send Clicks to Optimized Landing Pages - Don't lose prospects with poor user experience.
  • Continually Test and Iterate - Frequently test new audiences, creative, and tactics. Run A/B tests.
  • Measure Performance Vigilantly - Track metrics like impressions, clicks, conversions, costs, and optimize bids.

When managed diligently, paid advertising allows you to cost-effectively fill your sales funnel with new, high-quality leads. It's a fast way to acquire customers at scale.

#5 Referral Programs

One of the most powerful ways to acquire new customers is by tapping into your existing client base through referral programs. People naturally trust recommendations from peers far more than traditional marketing.

Referral programs incentivize your current customers to promote your products/services to their own social and professional circles. The key benefits include:

  • Acquiring new customers at a very low up-front cost
  • Getting your brand in front of a warm audience
  • Leveraging the trusted voice of your customer advocates
  • Potential for high-quality referrals that stick around longer
  • Strengthening loyalty with your existing customer base
  • An effective referral program creates a systematic process for encouraging and rewarding customer referrals.

Creating a Successful Referral Program

To get referrals flowing:

  • Offer Attractive Incentives - Give customers motivating rewards for successful referrals (discounts, cash, prizes, etc.)
  • Make Referring Easy - Provide simple sharing tools, copy, and tracking mechanisms.
  • Set Clear Guidelines - Specify referral qualifications like trial periods or minimum spend.
  • Nurture Customer Advocates - Identify and empower your biggest fans and brand promoters.
  • Track and Measure Performance - Use unique codes or links to attribute referral sources.
  • Promote Your Program - Market your referral program through multiple channels.

Customer referrals provide amazingly high-quality leads. Leveraging your customer base as buzz agents can quickly scale your customer acquisition efforts.

#6 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Would you believe that 68% of customer aquisitions from online engagements start with an online serarch? By optimizing your website and content for improved visibility in search results, you can consistently attract new prospects looking for your solutions.

SEO focuses on increasing your website's ranking and visibility in search engines like Google for relevant keywords and topics. Its key benefits include:

  • Consistent stream of organic traffic from qualified leads
  • Greater brand awareness and credibility in your industry
  • Ability to capture demand and market interest proactively
  • Compound benefits and lower customer acquisition costs over time
  • Data-driven insights into your audience's search behavior

Implementing SEO Best Practices

To drive results with SEO as a customer acquisition strategy:

  • Conduct Thorough Keyword Research - Identify high-value, relevant keywords to target and map content to buyer intents.
  • Optimize On-Page Elements - Ensure technical, content, and UX aspects of pages follow SEO best practices.
  • Build Quality Backlinks - Obtain authoritative inbound links through outreach, PR, and more.
  • Create a Content Marketing Machine - Publish superior, keyword-optimized content consistently.
  • Track, Analyze and Iterate - Continually measure SEO performance data and refine your approach.

While SEO is a long-term play, it remains one of the highest ROI marketing channels for reaching new customers. An SEO-driven foundation enhances all other acquisition efforts.

#7 Market Research

Understanding your target customer's wants, needs, behaviors, and motivations is crucial for delivering truly resonant messaging that drives action. This is where market research comes in as an invaluable part of any customer acquisition strategy.

Effective market research should focus on unearthing key customer insights that inform your overall acquisition approach, such as:

  • Demographics and firmographics of your ideal customer profile(s)
  • Pain points, challenges, and primary goals/objectives
  • Buying journeys, habits, and decision-making processes
  • Preferred channels, content types, and sources of information
  • Perceptions of your brand vs. competitors in the market

The most successful companies leverage a mix of quantitative (surveys, analytics) and qualitative (interviews, ethnography) research methods. And with 47% of businesses conducting audience research as part of their overall strategy, it's clear that knowing the market matters.

Utilizing Market Research for Acquisition

With robust market research data in hand, you can better optimize all facets of customer acquisition, such as:

  • Developing buyer personas to better target your messaging
  • Creating content and offers mapped to the customer's journey
  • Identifying new acquisition channels based on customer behavior
  • Crafting value propositions and brand positioning that resonates
  • Designing intuitive user experiences on your website/apps
  • Measuring audience interests to prioritize acquisition tactics

When combined with a deep understanding of your customers' stated and unstated needs, the right acquisition strategies and campaigns will naturally rise to the surface as clear winners.

#8 Lead Generation and Nurturing

While raising brand awareness is important, the ultimate goal of customer acquisition is converting prospects into paying customers. This is where having a powerful lead generation and nurturing process becomes essential.

Lead generation involves using strategic campaigns and promotions to systematically capture information from prospective buyers interested in your products/services. Effective techniques include:

  • Optimized website forms, pop-ups, and chatbots
  • Gated content offerings like ebooks, templates, tools
  • Retargeting ads to engage existing website visitors
  • Running social media contest and giveaway promotions
  • Hosting educational webinars, events, and speaking sessions
  • Partnering with complementary businesses for co-marketing

The key is focusing on quality over quantity of leads by aligning your promotions with specific, targeted buyer profiles and pain points you can best solve for.

Nurturing Leads to Conversion

Once you've generated leads, the next step is nurturing those prospects through a sequences designed to educate them and drive conversion, such as:

  • Automated email drip campaigns triggered by behaviors
  • Retargeting ad sequences aligned with funnel stage
  • Tailored content and sales calls based on buyer persona
  • Invitations to higher-commitment events like demos/consultations
  • Consistent social media engagement and relationship-building

The most effective nurturing leverages both technology (marketing automation) and human relationship skills from your sales team. Continuously analyze and optimize your nurturing flows for maximizing conversion rates.

Having a solid lead management system for generating, qualifying, nurturing, and acquiring customers from your prospect database is key to acquisition success.

#9 Customer Service and Retention

When it comes to customer acquisition, often overlooked is the immense value provided by delivering exceptional customer service and focusing on retention & loyalty. Your current customer base represents a major opportunity for driving new business.

While customer service teams primarily handle existing customer needs, they also play an instrumental role in acquisition by:

  • Creating memorable positive brand experiences that get talked about
  • Cross-selling additional products through attentive, consultative service
  • Identifying potential referrals and up-sell opportunities with current clients
  • Serving as a front-line for collecting customer feedback and insights
  • Turning dissatisfied customers into raving fans through skillful recovery
  • Track customer success metrics to enhance acquisition strategies

Beyond just good service, a true customer success mindset that prioritizes long-term relationships over short-term profits is key.

Strategies for Retaining Customers

Keeping your current customers happy and engaged is crucial for maximizing their lifetime value and fueling new customer acquisition from their networks. Effective retention strategies include:

  • Building loyalty programs that incentivize continued purchasing
  • Capturing feedback through surveys and reviews, then acting on it
  • Consistent engagement through account management and marketing
  • Creating an active community or membership for your superfans
  • Offering exclusive access or experiences for your best customers
  • Developing referral programs to incentivize sharing your brand

Word-of-mouth is incredibly powerful, so delighting your existing customers can create a continuous flow of new business. Prioritize retention alongside new acquisition efforts.

#10 Convert Website Traffic to Sales Calls

Want a secret to driving customer acquisition? Use the traffic you're already getting! With a tool like CallPage, you can fast-track your customer acquisition strategies by integrating all parts of lead generating and customer conversion process into one automated system.

As one of the best organic customer acquisition strategies on the market, catching these valuable leads the moment they arrive - and engaging them as part of a customer acquisition plan can help you get vital customer data as well as spark new relationships.

What is CallPage?

CallPage is an all-in-one platform that allows you to seamlessly integrate call, lead capture, and meeting scheduling functionality directly on your website. Its key features include:

  • Click-to-Call Widget: Enable site visitors to instantly request a callback with just a click
  • Automated Call Distribution: Route incoming calls to the best available sales rep in seconds
  • Meeting Scheduling: Let prospects easily book phone/video call appointments
  • Lead Intelligence: Capture detailed lead information through customizable forms
  • Call Tracking & Recording: Gain insights into call performance, recordings, analytics
  • Integrations: Connect CallPage with your existing CRM, marketing tools, and tech stack

Implementing CallPage on your website makes it incredibly easy for interested prospects to initiate a sales conversation on their terms.

Best of all, a tool like CallPage is simple to set up and run:

  • Sign up for an account and install the website widget
  • Configure your call routing, lead distribution, and scheduling settings
  • Customize the widget appearance to match your branding
  • Integrate CallPage with the tools/platforms you already use
  • Promote the CallPage features across your site and marketing channels

With the ability to instantly capitalize on incoming web traffic and transform more clicks into revenue conversations, it's never been easy to turn visitors into leads - and into paying customers.

Mastering Customer Acquisition

There's no denying that acquiring new customers is an essential yet challenging component of sustainable business growth. By understanding and implementing the right mix of customer acquisition strategies - from content marketing and SEO to paid advertising, lead nurturing, customer retention, and more - you can gain an upper hand against the competition.

As you look to dial in your customer acquisition engine, don't underestimate the power of solutions like CallPage to instantly remove friction and convert more web traffic into revenue opportunities. With features like click-to-call, automated routing, and meeting scheduling, you make it seamless for interested prospects to connect with your business.

Ready to start maximizing your website's customer acquisition potential? Visit CallPage online today to learn more about how our platform can elevate your conversion rates and sales velocity. Consistent new customer growth is just a click away.

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