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How to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate With a Click-To-Call Widget?

As site visitors scroll through a website, they see an icon or pop-up that will allow them to request a phone call from the company. If a user enters their phone number, they receive a callback. Simple.

Wioleta Szybowska

What is a click-to-call widget?

A click-to-call widget, also known as a callback widget, looks pretty simple from the outside.

However, there is more complex action running in the background. When the user enters their phone number, the callback software immediately calls the company’s staff in an attempt to get the fastest connection. The instant one of the consultants answers the phone, the software immediately calls the customer back and connects the customer with the consultant. With the CallPage app, such a call connection typically takes less than 28 seconds. 

How is a click-to-call widget different from a simple contact form? 

Suppose you are about to buy a piece of furniture for your new condo. You are on the store’s website and have selected one of the sofas, but you would like to have it in a different color. With a contact form, you would have to fill in all the necessary information, ask your question, and wait for an answer. By the time you receive the requested information, you may have changed your mind or even found the product in a different store. 

You could, of course, also call the company yourself. But you may have to listen to a series of recorded options and wait a long time to actually speak to a live agent. In the end, you may decide you don’t have time for that.  

This is the magic of the callback widget. Your website visitor just has to enter their phone number, wait 28 seconds, and their phone will be ringing with a call from your live agent. The important thing about a callback is that the user gets a reply instantly—without waiting, without exerting too much effort, and without paying for the call. 

And, importantly, you reach your leads at exactly the moment they are the “hottest.”

Click-to-call is used not only by leads who want to find answers to their questions call centre software is also convenient for site visitors who are already your customers. They have the opportunity to reach a live agent every time they need to connect. Facilitating an easy and fast way to communicate via callback software can improve customer engagement. 

Read Also: What is Click to Call Software?

How is the callback tool different from chat tools?  

Both chat tools and callback tools have the same goal: to give your website visitors a quick and simple way to reach your company. And they are both great solutions. But you have to take into account the personal preferences of your customers. Some will prefer to write and wait for a reply in chat, but others will prefer phone contact with a liveagent. 

In addition, a callback gives companies two more advantages. First, it’s easier to convince someone over the phone than it is on chat. If you have a good sales team, they will be able to explain everything better over the phone and most likely close the deal instantly. Second, with a callback, you get the contact details of your potential buyer. This means you can reach out to them again in the future—for example, when the sofa they are interested in is finally available. 

What are the main benefits of click-to-call?

Let’s summarize all the callback solution benefits mentioned above. 

  • Callback is a contact centre software for website users to reach your company and ask questions they might have about your product or offer.
  • Customers don’t have to wait on a phone line for your consultant to pick up the call (let’s face it: these days, no one has time to wait).
  • The customer doesn’t have to pay for the call, and neither do you. Everything is included in the package. For site visitors, it’s a free call.
  • The customer can either request an instant call or set a more convenient time to get a callback. (For example, they don’t have time to talk right now, and they don’t want to forget about your offer.)
  • As the connection is made automatically by the system, your consultant’s time isn’t wasted. 
  • You can also set more complex rules for your widget. For example, you can decide when and how the pop-up should be displayed on your website, what departments should be added to the widget, which consultants should be called at a specific time, etc. 

Read also: 11 reasons why you should use CallPage

When will a callback not work?

A callback will not work without the traffic. If you don’t have site visitors to your company website, a callback widget will not solve the issue. The first thing you have to do is work on driving customers to your website. 

The widget’s job is to improve your website conversion rate, but you must be careful with the presentation. You don’t want to annoy your site visitors with bad UX. The same goes for copywriting: communication should be simple and engaging. And, last but not least, remember that this should be an easy form of communication, so don’t force visitors to fill in dozens of fields. We recommend keeping the form as short as possible. 

How to maximize callback results?

CallPage is used by more than two thousand companies worldwide. Below is a list of some of the best advice from a selection of our satisfied customers.

  • Pay attention to how the widget matches your website. The colours and background of the pop-up should complement your website design.
  • Adjust the caption on the widget to match your offer. Think of the questions your customers might have, and encourage them (in a personalized way) to contact your company. 
  • Create scoring rules and monitor the behaviour of your website visitors. Then, when a user reaches a certain number of points, the widget displays a window and suggests immediate contact.
  • If you have different consultants for different matters, ask your site visitors to pick the topic for the call so that you can direct them to the proper consultant. Use clear descriptions to make the choice easy for the user.

Bonus advice: You can also use a callback function in your ads (e.g., encouraging people to schedule a call for later). Someone might like your offer, but not have time to check it at a given moment. With CallPage, each of your widgets can have a direct link, so you can transfer your ad viewers to the quickest contact option.

Read also: Nine ways to generate more calls via CallPage


A callback can be a great way to increase your website conversion rate. We have seen that click-to-call works amazingly well in real estate; healthcare; insurance and finance; travel and hospitality; automotive; and e-commerce. If you happen to represent one of these industries, you can access a new stream of hot leads for your sales funnel or implement a fantastic way to improve your customer satisfaction level.

If you think that a callback widget might be valuable for your business, don’t wait—just test it! With CallPage’s free trial, you can start receiving your first free calls in just a few minutes. Simply sign in, confirm your phone number, install the widget on your website using a CMS plug-in or Google Tag Manager, and your free trial is ready to go.

Ready to test it? Create your free CallPage account!

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set up the widget on your site, and see how many more leads you can capture with CallPage

  • No credit card required
  • 10 minutes set up
  • 14 days fully-features free trial